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The Easiest Brisket Flat Recipe to Cook in Your Oven

Cooked Brisket Flat in Bowl

Cooking your first brisket can be a daunting task, but with the right recipe and a little patience, you can achieve a juicy and tender piece of meat that will have your guests begging for seconds. In this guide, I will take you through each step of the process, from choosing the right cut of brisket to resting and slicing it for serving. So, let’s get started on this culinary adventure and the easy brisket flat recipe!

But before we begin, let me give you a quick background about my experience as a cook. It’s not great. Typically I’m looking for easy recipes that take minimal effort, that leave me enough time to get everything else done around the house that just can’t wait until the next day. Yes, that means the brisket flat recipe that I am about to layout is as easy as it gets and takes very little skill. 

Let’s get to it!

Brisket Flat Recipe Ingredients

The ingredients you will need:

  • One 3-5lb Brisket Flat 
    (You can purchase a whole packer brisket and separate it yourself but I wouldn’t recommend the hassle)
  • Olive Oil (around a 1/2 cup)
  • Seasoning of Choice or Pepper, Salt, Garlic Salt

The ingredients I like to add (but you don’t have to!)

  • 1 Head of Garlic
  • 1 Onion (I prefer a Red Onions)
  • 1 Large Tomato

Choosing the right cut of brisket

When it comes to cooking a whole brisket, selecting the right cut of meat is crucial. You want to look for a brisket that has a good balance of lean meat and fat, as this will ensure a flavorful and tender end result. Visit your local grocery store or butcher shop and ask for a whole brisket. Make sure to choose one with a thick fat cap, as this will help keep the meat moist during the cooking process. You will end up trimming some of this fat prior to cooking, but it’s always better to have more than necessary so you aren’t risking it being to dry.

Preparing the brisket for cooking

Before you start cooking your whole brisket, it’s important to let it come to room temperature. This allows for more even cooking and helps to prevent the meat from drying out. Remove the brisket from the refrigerator at least one hour before you plan to start cooking.

Next, you’ll want to trim any excess fat from the brisket. While fat is essential for flavor, too much fat can make the meat greasy. Use a sharp knife to carefully trim away any excessive fat, leaving behind a thin layer to keep the meat moist. Also, remove any silver skin, as it can be tough and chewy when cooked. I like to leave somewhere between 1/8″ to a 1/4″ of fat on the brisket flat.

Trimming brisket flat fat cap

Seasoning the brisket with a dry rub

To enhance the flavor of your whole brisket, it’s important to season it with a dry rub. You can create your own dry rub by combining spices such as paprika, garlic powder, brown sugar, salt, and pepper. I’m not going to give you an exact rub recipe since there are so many great ones out there for every type of taste bud. 

But I’ll let you in on something…

My secret cheat (don’t tell anyone):

When I am going to make my own spice rub I typically just use two ingredients: McCormick Grill Applewood Rub and Olive oil. 

Brisket Flat Rub Recipe Ingredients

I typically will end up using about 1/4 of the rub and about a 1/4 cup of oil per side. It’s easy to do, just pour some oil into a small bowl, pour the rub on top of it, and then mix away with a spoon. The consistency should be like molasses. Once you get it right, then just rub it on the brisket. Make sure to cover both sides of the brisket with the rub.

Brisket Flat Recipe Rub Consistency

Massage the dry rub onto the brisket, making sure to coat it evenly on all sides. Allow the brisket to sit for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.

Brisket Flat with Rub

After that, place it in your roasting pan or Dutch oven with the fat cap facing up. This is important because placing the fat cap down will leave you with a dry brisket.

What Else to Add:

While some other recipes may ask you to add beef broth, I have found that when there is enough fat left on the brisket it will produce plenty of liquid and there is no need. From here I just peel one full head of garlic, slice the onion (cut in half, cut in half again, then in half one more time), then cube a full tomato. Drop all that into the pan with the brisket and we are ready to get the party started!

Brisket Flat Recipe in Dutch Oven

Cooking The Brisket:
Step-by-step instructions

Now that you have prepared your brisket it’s time to start the cooking process. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions for the best results:

  1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place the seasoned brisket in a roasting pan along with your garlic, onion, and tomato.
  3. Close the lid or cover the pan with foil.
  4. Let the brisket cook undisturbed for several hours, depending on the size, until the internal temperature reaches around 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. At this point, you have two options: you can either continue cooking the brisket unwrapped to achieve a crispy bark, or you can wrap it tightly in foil or pink butcher paper to retain moisture.
  6. If you choose to wrap the brisket, do so tightly and continue cooking until the internal temperature reaches 195-203 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. Once the brisket reaches the desired temperature, remove it from the heat source and let it rest for at least 30 minutes to an hour.
  8. After resting, carefully unwrap the brisket and transfer it to a cutting board.
  9. Using a sharp knife, slice the brisket against the grain into thin, even slices.
  10. Serve the brisket immediately and enjoy!
Cooked Brisket Flat in Bowl

Why Wrap the Brisket for the Cooking Process?

Wrapping the brisket during the cooking process is a technique that helps to lock in moisture and speed up the cooking time. There are two common methods for wrapping a brisket: using aluminum foil or pink butcher paper.

Aluminum foil is a popular choice as it creates a tight seal around the meat, preventing any moisture from escaping. Simply wrap the brisket tightly in several layers of foil, making sure there are no gaps. This method will result in a tender and juicy brisket.

Alternatively, you can use pink butcher paper, which allows the meat to breathe while still retaining moisture. Wrap the brisket in a single layer of pink butcher paper, making sure to fold the edges tightly to create a seal. This method will give the brisket a smokier flavor and a slightly firmer bark.

If using a Dutch oven or roasting pan with a lid, I have found that wrapping the brisket isn’t necessary and now forego the process.

How to Monitor the Temperature and Cook Time

Throughout the cooking process, it’s important to monitor the internal temperature of the brisket to ensure it reaches the desired level of doneness. Use a reliable meat thermometer to check the temperature in the thickest part of the brisket, away from any bones.

For a tender brisket, you’ll want to cook it until the internal temperature reaches between 195 and 203 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that the connective tissues in the meat have broken down, resulting in a melt-in-your-mouth texture. Keep in mind that every brisket is different, so the cook time may vary. It’s best to rely on the internal temperature rather than a specific cook time.

Resting and Slicing the Brisket

After the brisket has reached the desired internal temperature, it’s crucial to let it rest before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful brisket.

Transfer the brisket to a cutting board and loosely cover it with foil. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes to an hour. This resting period will also make it easier to slice the brisket, as it will be more tender.

When it comes to slicing, it’s important to cut against the grain. This means slicing perpendicular to the lines of muscle fibers. This technique helps to break up the muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender bite. Use a sharp knife to slice the brisket into thin, even slices.

Tips for Achieving a Juicy and Tender Brisket Flat

Cooking a whole brisket to perfection requires some patience and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you achieve a juicy and tender brisket every time:

  1. Choose the right cut of brisket: Look for a brisket with a good balance of lean meat and fat, and a thick fat cap for added moisture.
  2. Let the brisket come to room temperature: Allowing the brisket to come to room temperature before cooking ensures more even cooking.
  3. Trim excess fat and silver skin: Too much fat can make the meat greasy, and silver skin can be tough and chewy when cooked.
  4. Use a flavorful dry rub: Season the brisket with a dry rub of your choice to enhance the flavor.
  5. Monitor the internal temperature: Use a meat thermometer to ensure the brisket reaches the desired internal temperature for tenderness.
  6. Wrap the brisket during cooking: Wrapping the brisket in foil or pink butcher paper helps to lock in moisture and speed up the cooking time.
  7. Let the brisket rest before slicing: Allowing the brisket to rest after cooking helps the juices redistribute for a more tender and flavorful result.
  8. Slice against the grain: Cutting against the grain breaks up the muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender bite.

Variations and Additional Recipe Ideas for Leftover Brisket

If you find yourself with leftover brisket, don’t worry! There are plenty of delicious ways to repurpose it. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Brisket tacos: Slice the leftover brisket and serve it in warm tortillas with your favorite taco toppings.
  2. Brisket sandwiches: Pile the sliced brisket onto a bun and top it with barbecue sauce and coleslaw for a tasty sandwich.
  3. Brisket hash: Chop up the brisket and sauté it with potatoes, onions, and bell peppers for a hearty breakfast hash.
  4. Brisket chili: Add the leftover brisket to your favorite chili recipe for a rich and flavorful twist.
  5. Brisket quesadillas: Place sliced brisket between two tortillas with cheese and grill until melted and crispy.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to using leftover brisket, so get creative and enjoy!

Where to Find the Best Brisket and Ingredients

When it comes to finding the best brisket and ingredients for your recipe, it’s important to start with high-quality products. Visit your local butcher shop or specialty meat market for the freshest and most flavorful brisket. These establishments often have a wide selection of cuts and can provide expert advice on choosing the right one for your needs.

Additionally, it’s worth exploring local farmers’ markets and online meat delivery services, as they often offer a variety of high-quality brisket options. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek out recommendations from experts in the field.

As for the other ingredients needed for cooking a whole brisket, you can find them at your local grocery store or online. Look for fresh spices, high-quality wood pellets for smoking, and any additional ingredients for your dry rub or sauce. Opt for organic and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible for the best flavor and sustainability.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cooking a Whole Brisket

Q: Can I cook a whole brisket if it’s my first time attempting this recipe?

A: Absolutely! Cooking a whole brisket can be a bit more of a challenging endeavor, but with proper guidance and a little practice, anyone can achieve delicious results. Just follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide, and don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from your experience.

Q: How much fat should I leave on the brisket?

A: It’s important to leave a thin layer of fat on the brisket to keep it moist during the cooking process. However, too much fat can make the meat greasy. Aim for a balance between lean meat and fat, between 1/8″ to 1/4″, and trim any excessive fat before cooking.

Q: Can I use a different heat source other than an oven?

A: Yes, you can use a variety of heat sources to cook a brisket. Options include pellet grills, charcoal grills, gas grills, or even an outdoor fire if you want to be a real cowboy or cowgirl. Choose the heat source that works best for you and ensures a consistent temperature throughout the cooking process.

Q: How long does it take to cook a whole brisket?

A: The cooking time for a whole brisket can vary depending on factors such as the size of the brisket, the cooking temperature, and the desired level of doneness. On average, plan for around 1 hour to 1.5 hours of cooking time per pound of brisket.

Q: Can I freeze leftover brisket?

A: Yes, you can freeze leftover brisket for future use. Allow the brisket to cool completely, then wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing it in a freezer-safe bag or container. Frozen brisket can be reheated by thawing it in the refrigerator overnight and then warming it in the oven or on the grill. To ensure a better freeze, I recommend getting a vacuum sealer.

Enjoying the Perfect Brisket Flat Recipe

Cooking a perfect whole brisket requires time, patience, and attention to detail, but the end result is well worth the effort. By following the step-by-step instructions in this ultimate guide, you’ll be able to achieve a juicy and tender brisket that will impress your family and friends.

Remember to choose the right cut of brisket, prepare it properly, season it with a flavorful dry rub, and cook it using the right heat source and equipment. Monitor the internal temperature, wrap the brisket during the cooking process, and let it rest before slicing. And don’t forget to get creative with any leftover brisket you may have!

So, what are you waiting for? Start your culinary adventure and enjoy the perfect whole brisket.

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